

1. 目的

Defines and sets forth the University’s zero tolerance of discrimination and harassment.

2. 适用性

这项政策适用于大学的所有员工, 包括大学总务部, 和美国卫生. Faculty utilize a separate discrimination and harassment policy and procedure (see section 7). 

3. 定义

歧视:  The laws enforced by EEOC protect employees from employment discrimination when it involves: Unfair treatment 因为你的种族, color, 国家的起源, 性, 怀孕, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 宗教, 年龄, 遗传信息, 残疾, 受保护老兵身份, 或任何其他适用的受法律保护的依据.

骚扰:  The laws enforced by EEOC protect employees from employment discrimination when it involves: Harassment by man年龄rs, 同事, 或者你工作场所的其他人, 因为你的种族, color, 国家的起源, 性, 怀孕, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 宗教, 年龄, 遗传信息, 残疾, 受保护老兵身份, 或任何其他适用的受法律保护的依据.

4. 政策指导方针


The 十大彩票网投平台 complies with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination, 包括, 适用:

    • 1964年民权法案第六章和第七章;
    • 就业年龄歧视法;
    • 第11246号行政命令;
    • 1972年教育修正案第九条;
    • 1973年《十大彩票平台官网》第503和504条;
    • 《十大彩票网投平台》;
    • 1975年的《十大彩票网投平台》;
    • 《十大彩票网投平台》;
    • 《十大彩票网投平台》;
    • 2008年遗传信息非歧视法案.

符合这些法律和大学的政策, 这所大学没有种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 性, 怀孕, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 宗教, 年龄, 遗传信息, 残疾, 受保护老兵身份, 或任何其他适用的受法律保护的依据, 允许或接近, 或者就业待遇, 在其项目和服务中.

进一步, 没有其他合格的残疾人士, 完全基于这种残疾, 会不会被排除在外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination in the administration of any educational program or activity, 包括准许或进入, or in treatment of employment therein by the 十大彩票网投平台.

Discrimination and/or harassment against individuals or groups based on a legally-protected status is against the law, and discrimination and/or harassment against individuals or groups based on same or any status herein discussed is inconsistent with University policy. 大学社区的所有成员(包括学生, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 和游客)必须遵守这一政策. University jurisdiction and discipline may attach to conduct which occurs on University premises, 或参加大学相关或赞助的活动, 无论是在校内还是校外, or which adversely affects the University community and the pursuit of the objectives of the University.


It is unlawful and against University policy to retaliate against or punish an individual for making a good faith report of discrimination or harassment which violates University policy, 包括性骚扰和/或性暴力, 或参与对此类投诉的调查. Retaliation includes any action by an individual or group that would discour年龄 a reasonable person or persons from such protected activity. An employee should report retaliation in violation of University policy to either the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Investigator, 副总裁, 人力资源(总人力资源主任), 或你的部门主管. 违反这一政策将受到纪律处分, 直至并包括解雇或开除.

5. 程序

5.如何及何时报告:  Any employee who believes that he or she is or has been the subject of discrimination or harassment should report such conduct immediately. 十大彩票网投平台歧视的投诉, 或任何受保护身份的骚扰, 根据大学政策的规定, 包括性骚扰或性暴力, 或与此类投诉有关的报复, 可以提交给平等就业机会调查员, 副总裁, 人力资源, 或你的部门主管. If possible, the complaint should be filed within 180 days of the most recent act. 报告延迟的时间越长, the more difficult it is to investigate the complaint fairly and adequately and prevent the repetition of the offensive behavior.

All complaints will be given thorough consideration and appropriate action will be taken. Factors reviewed in determining whether harassment in violation of University policy has occurred include the frequency, 严重程度, and context of the behavior and whether a reasonable person in a similar situation would find that the conduct, 当作为一个整体来看, more likely than not is so pervasive or severe as to create a hostile or abusive work or learning environment. If the event is determined to be isolated or not severe enough to rise to the level of illegal harassment, 但却不适合工作或学习环境, 管理员 and supervisors should 采取纠正措施 as necessary.

5.2诚信报告:  All University employees are expected to act in good faith when making a complaint or participating in the investigation of a complaint. This applies to utilizing any complaint process provided by the University. The complaint process shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against students, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 或者游客. If the University determines a complaint has not been made in good faith, disciplinary action 直至并包括解雇或开除 may be taken against the person bringing the complaint. 请参阅人力资源网站http://89b4.regaloteas.com/departments/financialaffairs/hr/or your 人力资源 office for additional information.

5.3保密:  尽可能地, the confidentiality of all parties involved in a complaint investigation and proceedings related to a claim of discrimination or harassment based on a protected status 根据大学政策的规定, 包括性骚扰或性暴力, will be observed to the extent that it does not interfere with the University’s ability to investigate the allegations, 采取纠正措施, 或者遵守联邦法律, 状态, 或者当地法律. 因此, the University cannot ensure complete confidentiality but will evaluate any request for confidentiality in the context of its responsibility to provide a safe, 骚扰免费, and nondiscriminatory environment for all members of the University community. Information about individual complaints and their disposition is considered confidential and will be shared only as determined to be appropriate by the University or as required by law.

6. 执行

The University’s 人力资源 department is responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy. 学生事务处负责所有与学生有关的事务, 和教务部门.

Persons found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions – 包括, 但不限于-警告/谴责, 降级, 转移, 悬架, 或被解雇或驱逐. 在某些情况下, 骚扰行为, 性ual harassment and 性ual violence may result in criminal and/or civil sanctions.

Staff employees with questions relating to the University’s discrimination and/or harassment policy should be directed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator in the 人力资源 Office.

7. 相关文档

7.1  教师手册 (部分1.5.2 & 1.5.3)

7.2  的真相