通过美国 Student Interns with USA Archaeology Museum and GulfQuest


伊恩·伦迪在海湾博物馆报道. data-lightbox =“特色”

Ian Lundy came to the 十大彩票网投平台 from Elberta, Alabama, in fall 2022 对学习考古学充满热情.  

通过美国, which stands for Preparing All 学生 Socially and Academically for Gainful 就业, is a postsecondary, non-degree, certificate program offered by the University that aids students with disabilities in their transition from education 到专业领域. 作为该项目的一名学生,Lundy获得了无价之宝 生活和就业技能. 

Lundy has worked at the University’s Archaeology Museum, served as president of the Flint Knapping Club, assisted with exhibits at the GulfQuest National Maritime Museum and presented at a national conference in October 2023 hosted by ThinkCollege called State of the Art Conference on Inclusive Postsecondary Education and Individuals with 智力障碍.

在考古博物馆里,伦迪如饥似水. 他随便抽出不同的 flint rock samples that he’s created for flint knapping demonstrations. 博物馆的游客 当蓝迪解释他是如何制作它们时,我很享受他的热情. 

“The process of flint knapping starts with finding the right kind of rock,” Lundy 说. “最好的是黑曜石、燧石或玛瑙. 他们真的很好,而且 most common types that we use are solidified sandstone or anything that is waxy, smooth 坚硬的玻璃. 我要做的就是找一块又圆又厚又硬的河石 and I find a good edge to break it to a point that it’s a flake, which is what you 想要使用. 然后你继续用锤子打碎它,锤子可以用骨头做成 或者是鹿角,直到它变成你想要的形状.”

对伊恩来说,这并不总是那么容易. 他刚来南方的时候,有一个 要学的东西很多,他还得习惯离家在外. 尽管面临挑战 of being a new student with disabilities, Lundy quickly found a friend — Jen Knutson, 谁是考古博物馆的副馆长.

“The Archaeology Museum benefits from hosting 通过美国 interns every semester as they provide new ways of making the museum a space for everyone,” Knutson 说. “To have the opportunity to mentor Ian and see him mature into a self-reliant, confident adult who can work with the public in a museum setting has been pure joy. 通过 USA program is vital and life changing for all of 南's community, not only because of what the students learn from us, but because they enrich all of our lives with 也有了新的想法和观察方式.”

Lundy also started an internship at the GulfQuest Museum in downtown Mobile, where 他协助展览的发展. 最近,他帮助组织了 the exhibit known as “Science on the Sphere” by creating a presentation on Earth maps 从3亿年前到今天的信息.

All of Lundy’s work at GulfQuest is done under the direction of Stewart Hood, who 担任博物馆的高级筹备人员. 

“Ian is a bright young man whose passion for knowledge and understanding has been 是对我们博物馆的补充,”胡德说. “他在日常工作中表现出色 operations of the facility, and has been a benefit to both the exhibits and education 团队.”

During his time between the two jobs and school, Lundy was able to attend and give 在ThinkCollege会议上十大彩票网投平台Zoom的演讲. 他的演讲涵盖了技能 to help individuals live independently in college; tips on how to stay focused, happy, healthy; and what to do if you get lonely.

 “Ian was very confident the entire time that he was giving his presentation,” 说 丹妮尔·米勒,她是蓝迪在通过美国的老师之一. 他为 about a week, and we were very proud that he had the opportunity to speak about his 大学经历.” 

通过美国 students learn skills necessary for transitioning into independent life after college,  and the program aims to also help parents, especially those with students focused on transitioning from school to adulthood and independent living.

“We have witnessed Ian’s personal growth and professional communication skills expand since he came to 南,” 说 Michael and Charity Hudson, Lundy’s parents. “他有 met all the challenges of college life with determination, focus and skills fostered by the wonderful and amazingly supportive 通过美国 program teachers and staff. We are so thankful for the diverse employment opportunities and public speaking invitations that he has been presented with during his time at 南, and we are so very very 我为伊恩的成功和成就感到骄傲.”

Part of the program's curriculum is a dedicated employment class, which focuses on 不仅要找工作,还要保住工作. 学生们每周工作几个小时来发展 以工作实践为基础的技能. 毕业后,学生们更有信心找到自己的出路 就业和在成功的事业中工作. 

After leaving 南, Lundy hopes to continue working at a museum, and even possibly, GulfQuest.

“I love that I found a job in my personal area of interest, which is learning and 讲授过去,”伦迪说. “通过我在美国考古研究所的实习 Museum, I enjoyed leading flint knapping, and not only demonstrating, but teaching 学生们正在学习这种古老的工具制作艺术. 如果没有《十大彩票网投平台》,我就不会有今天 working in the field I love and learning to live as independently as I possibly can.”  
